Looking for a working Blue Nile discount code? Read on to find the link where the latest Blue Nile discount codes and coupons are posted.
Wondering whether Blue Nile offers discounts or coupons to help you save a few bucks?
Good, you have landed on the right page
The following guide will cover:
- Discounts offered at Blue Nile (such as Christmas and Valentine’s discounts)
- Discounts that Blue Nile does not offer
- Available cashback options for you
- And a lot more!
Let’s get started.
Blue Nile Promo Codes & Discounts
Blue Nile Military Discounts
At the time of writing this article, Blue Nile does not offer product discounts for serving or previous military officers.
Blue Nile, however, offers one of a kind shipping service for people who are currently serving in the military as well as to their family members.
How Much is the Discount?
People in the military get the luxury of free fast tracked shipping for any orders they make going upwards of 5,000. This shipping can be done to any military address such as FPO, DPO, and APO. This may also apply to any other purchases made and billed to the same military address but delivery is expected to be done in the USA. This makes it easy for military officers to buy jewelry for their family and loved ones and still enjoy this free military shipping service.
Qualification Needed to Get a Discount
For you to receive any discounts, the billing address should have an FPO, DPO, or APO. This applies to all officers actively involved in military services and stationed or installed in a military base in any part of the world.
Redeeming the Discount
To redeem the military shipping benefit, you must use an exclusive number meant for military service personnel. The phone number is 866-441-5388 and provides first-come-first-served benefits to soldiers and their families.
Blue Nile Senior Citizens Discounts
For now, Blue Nile does not offer any discounts on orders made by senior citizens, but this may change in the future. However, senior citizens can take advantage of other discounts that are meant for all customers, such as the 1.5% discount for any bank wired money transfers. You could also sign up for their special offer and discount alerts to be sent to your email as and when they offer.
Blue Nile Discount Codes & Promo Coupons
Blue Nile often uses advertises coupons and promo codes to individual customers who have not subscribed to their email list using Groupon. If you subscribe to the email list, you will get promo codes and coupons directly to your email. You can unsubscribe at any time if you so wish.
How Much Can Be Gotten Off?
When you sign up to receive information about exclusive offers, you will get a $20 discount on the first piece of jewelry you order.
As of the time of publishing this article, Blue Nile is having the discounts below, coming to your through Groupon:
- 20% Off for any Gold Rose jewelry
- 20% Off on selected types of jewelry
- Additional 20% off for sale products
- $150 off if you build your own earrings
Finding Blue Nile Discounts
There are several ways through which you can find the discounts offered by Blue Nile. You can sign up for email notifications for any promo codes or coupons. You could also simply search for Blue Nile on the Groupon start page. The best way probably would be to sign up for an email alert since you will not only get all the notifications for sales or discounts but also be among the first to get the newest items or events.
Qualifications To Get Blue Nile Discounts
Blue Nile does not require any specific qualifications for one to use the Groupon coupons or promo codes. The $20 discount can only be enjoyed by first time buyers who have signed up for the email notifications.
Redeeming Blue Nile Discounts
If you are an email subscriber, you can redeem the discount by clicking the link that comes with your introductory email. For Groupon codes, you can enter the promo codes as you go through the checkout process. To get any other upcoming sales events you can navigate to the sales section of the Blue Nile website. All the running sales discounts will then be added to your cart automatically before you checkout.
Blue Nile Cash Back on Purchases
Blue Nile does not offer any money back on promotions, purchases, or sales. As much as this is the current situation, it is subject to change in the future. There are other benefits like free shipping, membership financing, and free returns that customers can enjoy. The financing option is offered through the Credit Card program for customers that qualify.
Some purchases from Blue Nile can qualify for rewards via Ebates. There are promotional cashback options which can be as much as % money back of purchases that qualify. Remember to check this out before buying Blue Nile jewelry next time.
Blue Nile Cyber Monday and Black Friday Sales
Since 016, Blue Nile has been offering sales on Cyber Monday and Black Friday; it appears like this jewelry store still has plans of continued participation in these sales strategies.
How much were the sales going for?
At some time Blue Nile offered a generous 50% on several of their diamond tennis bracelets, certain earrings, and many more. The only jewelry pieces not included in the cyber Monday and Black Friday sales are those gotten from the Build-Your-Own jewelry options, this may also not be sold at a discount in any other big sales events.
How to Find the Discounts?
Like most other discounts and sales, the best way to get all the discount information in an accurate and up to date manner is to sign up for the email newsletter. If you do not want to join the email list, you should check out deals at the Blue Nile Cyber Monday discounts or Blue Nile Black Friday Discounts page.
Redeeming the Discounts
The customers who choose to sign up for the email alerts, the promo codes for Black Friday and Cyber Monday will be sent to you with the email and you can access them just by clicking on them.
Qualifications Needed For The Sale?
Blue Nile says that the Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts cannot be used at the same time as any other discounts that may be running at the same time. This means even first time buyers cannot enjoy the $20 discount if they have subscribed to the email.
Blue Nile Christmas Sales Offers
There are incredible Christmas deals that Blue Nile offers, some even going up to 5% off particular jewelry. However, these promotions can change at any time and may therefore be different from year to year.
How Much Are the Sales?
Before 2018, Blue Nile offered 20% discounts on tennis bracelets and other jewelry. In 2018 the offer increased to 50% but only for selected few fine pieces of jewelry. We remain hopeful that in the coming years, the sales offers will be great.
How to Find the Discounts
Blue Nile is a mega jewelry store and enjoys a massive following, they have many positive reviews. You can find Blue Nile’s Christmas sales on virtually every social media site. You can follow Blue Nile on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @bluenilediamond for new sales offers and updates. You will be among the first to know about upcoming Christmas sales.
You can also give your email to be included in the email list so that you can get periodical newsletters to avoid missing any sales opportunity that may arise.
Redeeming the Sales Discounts
In Blue Nile you can include the promotional code at the time you are checking out. Sales notifications that come through the email usually have a link that you can click to automatically include the promotional code to your shopping cart.
Qualifications Needed for the Sales
No two promotional discounts can be used at the same time. This means that a customer cannot enjoy the $20 sale off and also get the Christmas offer.
Blue Nile Valentine’s Day Sales
Blue Nile enjoys the reputation of one of the best retailers when it comes to fine jewelry. This would not have been possible if not for their commitment to giving the best deals during the month of love. Customers have been able to save money in the previous years because of the discounts offered on Valentine’s Day.
How Much Are the Sales?
The previous Valentine’s Day offer was a whopping 40% off selected fine jewelry. This discount was applied on eternity bands, diamond engagement rings, bracelets, and selected necklaces.
How to Find the Discounts
To get the latest discounts, the best place to start is the Blue Nile Valentine’s Day gift page; there is a complete list of all the promotions. Another great way is to sign up for their newsletter that comes straight to your email. Alternatively, you can follow them on their social media pages to get information about any scheduled promotional events and sales strategies.
Method of Redeeming
It is very easy to redeem Valentine’s Day promo codes at Blue Nile. All you need to do is enter the promo code when checking out and the discount will be applied instantly. If you sign up for the email list, the email sent to you will contain a link that when clicked on directs you to the Blue Nile website. As you are shopping, the promo code will be added to your cart.
Qualifications Needed
During Valentine’s Day promotion, customers cannot use any other sales and discount benefits concurrently with the holiday promotion codes.
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