Rainbow Moonstone Vs Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone Vs Moonstone

You’re at the right place if you want to know the difference between rainbow moonstones and moonstones. Read on!

In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about these two gemstones and answer some of the frequently asked questions about them including:

  • Do moonstones have any healing properties?
  • Are moonstones cheaper than rainbow moonstones?
  • Are rainbow moonstones fake?

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

Rainbow Moonstone Vs Moonstone

Key Differences Between Rainbow Moonstones and Moonstones

  • Moonstone is real moonstone while rainbow moonstone is typically a labradorite.
  • Authentic moonstones have adularescence while rainbow moonstones have labradorescence.
  • Moonstones have a white or blue glow while rainbow moonstones show a range of colors.
  • Moonstones are cut en cabochon while rainbow moonstones are usually faceted to make different engagement ring options.

Origin – Rainbow Moonstone Vs Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow moonstone is currently one of the minerals that is most commonly sought for online. Due to its healing crystal powers or its rainbow shimmer, it attracts plenty of people. Although being a popular gemstone, many people are not aware that rainbow moonstone is not a moonstone. There is just one name for it: moonstone.

The mineral’s actual name is labradorite. Labradorite is a palaeoclase feldspar. Moonstone-like albite thin layers could be present. Some diamond sellers may refer to rainbow moonstone as “white labradorite.” Yet, the most common term for it is rainbow moonstone.

The chemical composition of moonstone and rainbow moonstone is similar but not exactly the same.

Ancient cultures considered rainbow moonstone and moonstone to be the same stone. No one had made the distinction until long later. Yet, rainbow moonstones and regular moonstones share many of the same metaphorical connotations. Both stones have a connection to the magic of the moon and the crown chakra.

In new age crystal rituals, rainbow moonstone has slightly distinct properties than moonstone. It is believed to enhance psychic connection, intuition, and bring harmony and calm to the user.

The primary locations for rainbow moonstone deposits are India and Madagascar.

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Moonstone is created when the two minerals orthoclase and albite are combined. Keep in mind that albite can be found in both rainbow moonstone and moonstone.

It is a type of orthoclase mineral from the feldspar family. While rainbow moonstone is comprised of minerals comprising plagioclase feldspar, genuine moonstone is an orthoclase feldspar. These two minerals are both members of the feldspar mineral family and are feldspars.

These are essentially feldspar’s cousin minerals. astonishingly similar yet chemically different. Many hues, but with a luminous aspect.

Inside moonstones, orthoclase and albite are found in alternating layers. The orthoclase and albite layers split in moonstones. Almost all prehistoric cultures connected moonstone with the moon. They contend that they were originally moonbeams that turned stone-like. The moon has always been linked to femininity and having children.

The metaphysical properties of moonstone and rainbow moonstone are still present today. But nonetheless, they are not all the same. It is said that moonstone and rainbow moonstone both encourage harmony and serenity. Rainbow moonstone is said to contain higher vibrations.

Moonstone is regarded as a stone of protection in addition to its femininity and fertility properties.

Women were urged to wear moonstone when trying to conceive. Because they were used by ancient cultures, it is not surprising that they are today acknowledged as possessing metaphysical powers.

Moonstone gemstones can be found all over the world, including in Brazil, the US, Sri Lanka, and Australia, among other places.

Appearance – Rainbow Moonstones Vs Moonstones

Rainbow Moonstones

A rainbow moonstone has a white body hue. Jewelry made from rainbow moonstone can be faceted or carved into cabochons. Popular rainbow moonstone seller Moon Magic offers faceted items.

A transparent to translucent labradorite feldspar mineral is known as a rainbow moonstone. Rainbow color flashes can be seen when light hits a rainbow moonstone. Most people refer to this phenomenon as multicolored adularescence, however this isn’t entirely accurate.

Rainbow moonstones’ light phenomenon is referred to as labradorescence since they are a type of labradorite. Owing to its inclusions, labradorescence gives rainbow moonstones a blue schiller shimmer. Other stones can be seen to have the schiller effect and hematite and sunstone are no exceptions.

Black tourmaline inclusions can also be used to identify rainbow moonstone.

However, the majority of rainbow moonstone jewelry pieces obscures them.

Imitations and Synthetics

There is no need to synthesize rainbow moonstones because they are relatively cheap and neither are they valuable gemstones. Generally, moonstones are usually mistaken for rainbow moonstones. It can also be mistaken for or confused with opalite frequently.

Most people mistake the man-made gemstone opalite for opals. Opals made in laboratories can resemble rainbow moonstone quite accurately.

Polymer clay can be used to make fake rainbow moonstone, but this is often done for creative endeavors and not for deceitful means.

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There are numerous hues of orthoclase moonstone. It might be clear colorless, blue, brown, beige, white, grey, reddish brown, creamy yellow, pink, or peach. The most sought-after moonstone gem is translucent due to its adularescence.

Adularescence resembles both the opalescence and the labradorescence of the labradorite. As moonstone is carved into cabochons, a blue adularescence appears. A white or blue shine may be seen playing across the moonstone when it is turned at various angles.

A moonstone gem of superior quality will have intense blue adularescence. They are frequently referred to as moonstones from Ceylon. High-quality Ceylon gemstones are produced in Sri Lanka.

The cost will increase for any colored moonstone that has an asterism. An asterism is usually created when light strikes a gemstone’s inclusions. You’ll see a four-pointed star in moonstones. The value of star gemstones increases.

You can easily identify moonstones by their inclusions which is not the case with rainbow moonstones. Centipedes are the term used for inclusions in moonstones. These tiny cracks in the stone resemble tiny centipedes with several legs.

Imitations and Synthetics

The imitations of moonstone and rainbow moonstone are identical. The majority of the time, though, you’ll see individuals mistake rainbow moonstones for genuine moonstones. It is not a moonstone if it is marketed as a rainbow moonstone. The customer must differentiate between the product’s trade name and its secondary identification as white labradorite.

Price and Value – Rainbow Moonstone Vs Moonstone

When rainbow moonstone is faceted or cut into cabochons, it is a reasonably priced gem material. Depending on how skillfully the stone is cut, they might cost $5 to $60 per carat. The complexity of the carving and the level of craftsmanship will drive up the price.

The price per carat for Ceylon moonstone and white moonstone ranges from $20 to $125. Star and cat’s eye gemstone prices will rise. Strong adularescence indicates that the moonstone will likely be pricier.

Many people think of wearing rainbow moonstones or moonstones as engagement rings, despite the price. Although you might have to replace them, you can do this. On the Mohs scale, both stones have a scratch resistance of 6.5-7. This typically means that these stones’ surfaces will scratch easily

In this case, we’re not just talking about treating your hand roughly. Moonstone and rainbow moonstone both have surfaces that can be scratched, which will reduce their luminosity. The gemstone cleavage makes it simple for the jewels to shatter as well.

Although neither of these is particularly expensive, you could replace them if you wanted to wear them as everyday jewelry pieces.


While both moonstone and rainbow moonstone belong to the feldspar group, their chemistry makes them different from one another. Moonstone is a variant of orthoclase, and rainbow moonstone is a type of labradorite. Both come from mining, not synthetics.

Moonstones with rainbow flashes have a body hue that ranges from soft white to transparent. Although it can be cut as a cabochon, faceted gems are now more typical.

Real moonstones are available in a wide range of hues. The most common moonstones are blue, peach, and white. Moonstones that are white or blue should be cut en cabochon to best show off their adularescence.

A Ceylon blue moonstone can fetch significantly higher rates as compared to a rainbow moonstone, which is relatively cheap. The gemstone is slightly more uncommon than a rainbow moonstone.

These two stones have a Mohs scale hardness rating of between 6 to  6.5 with both fractures and gemstone cleavage aren’t best suited for sturdy jewelry pieces. Although they’re not your typical center stones for engagement rings, both of these gemstones look incredible, especially in delicate jewelry pieces like necklaces and earrings.

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Both moonstones and rainbow moonstones are ideal stones to add to your collection, especially when looking for crystals with strong qualities or when trying to show off some moonstone jewelry.

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